John Deer

Once upon a time, there was a man named John Deer.
John Deer, was a regular boy.
He was a deer.
His parents found him out in the woods, bleeding to death
They took him to their home
and raised him like he was their child.
He went to his first day of regular school at the junior highschool
(because he was home schooled, and his parents want him to learn emotions such as love)
He went there, and each and every student was stunned.
They have never saw a deer in the school who could talk, read, and be able to do human things.
So they started making fun of him.
He was so sad, he went into the woods.
After he left, the students made fun of Amanda Todd for being a 13 year old whore.
Well, back to the story.
He was so sad he went into the woods
Once he went into the woods, he saw a deer just like him
but he was twerking
John went up to the deer and said "why are you dancing"
The deer, with the I.Q worser than a rock, said
"it aint dancin, i twerk"
John said "twerk?"
"twerk, i twerk, i twerk 4 de humteem"
John was astonished, by the deer's twerking.
Even though he was outraged, because the other deer was stupid.
But, with no questions asked, John started twerking too
It was like the system was in his blood.
Day after day, they twerked.
Until the deer, who John was twerking with, died
Because he got hit with a car, while twerking
John was shocked, because his best friend who understood him, kinda.
was killed, with no meaning what so ever.
John cried so much, until he forgot him.
But John twerked.
He twerked for the hometeam.
The End
{{Fatal Disease}}